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Baby Dress Crochet Patterns

Crochet baby dresses have been made by Mothers for generations, and for good reason - they are economical to make, mostly easy crochet patterns and look beautiful. The majority of crochet dress patterns are fairly simple to finish, and dependent upon the specific pattern are a good way to use up remainders of previous projects in a colorful manner. Below you'll find some of the current free crochet patterns for baby dresses that are floating around cyberspace at the present time. Some are vintage, some more modern and others even come with a cute hat to serve as a pleasant accessory.

Flag Baby Dress Set - This neat pattern is like dressing you baby in a flag, complete with stars and stripes - available at

Flower Dress - At you can get this free crochet dress pattern that features rows of cute little flowers.

Lacy Dress - This is designed for girls aged 12 to 18 months and is quite attractive, found at

Angel Shell Dress - This pattern looks timeless in it's design and is just plain awesome, found at

Six Months Baby Dress - At you can get a free baby dress pattern that is very pretty and comes with a hat too.


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